Certification Body Name:
EZU - Elektrotechnický zkušební ústav, s.p.

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CB Acronym: EZU ID #: 21
Contact person: Mr. Miroslav Vlasak
Address 1: Pod lisem 129/2
City: Praha Postal code: 182 00
State / Province: CZ Country: Czech Republic
Address 2: Praha 8-Troja
Email address: info@ezu.cz Url: http://www.ezu.cz
Business phone: +420 266 104 473 Fax:
Mobile phone:  
Deadline for the next Re-assessment: 2026-11-19

Aditionnal contacts informations

Mr. Miroslav Sedlacek

Email address: msedlacek@ezu.cz
Business phone: +420 266 104 213 Fax:
Mobile phone: + 420 731 421 885



CB EZU - Product Category
Laboratory Name Acronyme Country City
Elektrotechnický zkušební ústav, s.p. EZU Czech Republic Praha 8 Troja
E-CTF type E-CTF Laboratory Name E-CTF Address E-CTF Country Standards Covered Registration date Latest Revision date Report Ref.
Scheme Given name Family name Location Certification decision Signatory Scope limitation Terminated
ENEC, ENEC+, HAR, CCA, CCA-EMC Miroslav Sedlacek Czech Republic 2009-01-01 2009-01-01
HAR, CCA, CCA-EMC Frantisek Jandura Czech Republic 2020-01-01
ENEC, ENEC+, CCA, CCA-EMC Josef Maly Czech Republic 2020-01-01
Given name Family name Location Registered date Terminated date
Jiri Petrak Czech Republic 2021-04-20
Petr Zakoucky Czech Republic 2021-04-20
Jaromir Kylar Czech Republic 2021-04-20
Zdenek Jurda Czech Republic 2021-04-20 2023-02-01
Jiri Malicky Czech Republic 2021-04-20
Frantisek Jandura Czech Republic 2023-06-29
Josef Maly Czech Republic 2023-06-29